

Various Mediums

"It is too simple to think of the narcissist as someone in love with himself. one can detest oneself intimately and still be a narcissist. What characterizes narcissism is the fundamental relation–it is with oneself. The same dialectic of love and hate that mates feel for one another is experienced within the self. But then a special kind of insanity calls to the narcissist, for the inner dialogue never ceases. Each half is forever scrutinizing the other. So two narcissists in love are the opposites of two mates. Narcissists do not join each other so much as approach each other like crystals brought into juxtaposition. They have a passionate affair to the degree that each allows the other to resonate more fully than when alone…so it is not love we may encounter so much as fine-tuning…" - 
- Norman Mailer